Abrons Studio G05

Spaceworks » Abrons Studio G05
466 Grand St, New York, NY 10002
आरक्षण करिए

अतिरिक्त जानकारी

Abrons dance nyc studio:   हाँ
Type:   Theater/Dance
Revenue code:   002-41120-0002
Restrictions:   Please note that our spaces are for rehearsals only. We do not allow classes, workshops, or events at Spaceworks.
Prevent modification:   हाँ
Nickname:   SW Abrons / Studio G05
Neighborhood:   Lower East Side
Map link:   https://www.google.com/maps/place/Abrons+Arts+Center/@40.715332,-73.9859727,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c25a2aaffe6e83:0x10133dc555646c60!8m2!3d40.715328!4d-73.983784
Accessing the space:   When you arrive at Abrons Arts Center, you will need to check in with the person at the front desk and provide them with your full name and reservation information.
Abrons public dance and resident:   हाँ
Full name:   Spaceworks @ Abrons Arts Center / Studio G05
Display in search:   नहीं
Directions:   Spaceworks @ Abrons Arts Center is located at 466 Grand St, New York, NY 10002 (F, M, J, Z trains to Delancey St-Essex St, F train to East Broadway).
Accessibility:   Abrons Studio G05 is wheelchair accessible. For more information about accessibility, please visit spaceworksnyc.org/accessibility, or give us a call at (718) 408-8755.
Active:   हाँ