ASA 104 - Bareboat Chartering

Seaforth Boat Rental » ASA 104 - Bareboat Chartering

A two-day live aboard class starting at 9am and finishing at 5pm the following day. Sailors will act as skipper and crew on a midsized sailboat in the 30 ft range.

Students will practice sailing in coastal waters. Sailors will gain skills in maintenance, boating systems, navigation, anchoring and more.

Cost: $499 per person

Prerequisites: ASA 101 and 103 as well as a record of at least 40 hours of sailing either inland or coastal on a mid-sized vessel (30+ feet).

Reading Materials: Bareboat Cruising Made Easy by ASA.

Class Time: 9am

आंशिक रूप से उपलब्ध
आरक्षण करिए

अतिरिक्त जानकारी

Thumb url:   photona200x200px.jpg
Class:   हाँ
Class type:   sail
Regular rates:   499
Club rates:   449
Commission override:   0
Club calendar:   हाँ