Gowanus Meeting Room - Co-Working Tenants

Spaceworks » Gowanus Meeting Room - Co-Working Tenants
Spaceworks Gowanus
540 President St Unit 2E (buzz 34)
Brooklyn, NY 11215
R train to Union St
Erreserba bat egin

Informazio gehigarria

Type:   Meeting Room
Revenue code:   002-41120-0007
Qr zone:   G1
Nickname:   GW / Meeting Room
Neighborhood:   Gowanus
Map link:   https://www.google.com/maps/place/Spaceworks NYC, Inc./@40.677274,-73.9875229,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x89c25a556d9e40df:0xbe4361f391498244!8m2!3d40.67727!4d-73.9853289
Accessibility:   Spaceworks Gowanus is wheelchair accessible through an alternate entrance. If you plan to visit this facility, please contact us so we can accommodate you by calling (718) 408-8755, or by emailing us at info@spaceworksnyc.org
Full name:   Spaceworks Gowanus / Meeting Room
Display in search:   Ez
Directions:   Spaceworks Gowanus is located at 540 President Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215 (R train to Union St).
Combination lock:   password
Active:   Ez
Accessing the space:   You won't need your Spaceworks Card to enter Spaceworks Gowanus. Instead, you'll buzz up to our office, and we'll let you in.