BKCM / All Studios

Spaceworks » BKCM / All Studios
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Restrictions:   Please note that our spaces are for rehearsals only. We do not allow classes, workshops, or events at Spaceworks.
Nickname:   BKCM / All Studios
Accessibility:   Spaceworks @ Williamsburgh Library is wheelchair accessible. There is a ramp to the building entrance and an elevator that goes up to the 2nd floor. Please note: the wheelchair accessible bathroom is available during library hours only. For specific accommodations, please contact us by calling (718) 408-8755, or by emailing info@spaceworksnyc.org.
Full name:   BKCM / All Studios
Display in search:   Ne
Active:   Ne
Accessing the space:   If you Spaceworks Card does not work, there is a lock box by the library entrance. Use code 2891 to unlock the lock box. PLEASE RETURN THE KEY IMMEDIATELY after opening the main entrance. You can find an access key to the studio on the second floor in the middle drawer of the console.