Planyo - Programa de socis
The affiliate commission rate is 15%. The commission is counted for both Planyo PRO (subscription-based) and PRO-COMM (commission-based) accounts for the whole duration of a Planyo site. There is no commission for sales of additional products such as SMS and FAX packs because we only resell these services.
For example, if a client referred by you uses Planyo for a 5-year period, your referral fees get accumulated every month of this 5-year period.
Affiliate panel
If you have already signed up as an affiliate, and if you are logged into Planyo, the affiliate panel is also accessible from a link on top of every page.
Click here to access the panel.
Termes i condicions
You can refer clients to us by placing a special link on your website. If you are a developer, you can also collect the commission by implementing planyo as the reservation system used on the sites you develop for your clients.
The minimum payout is CHF 100. The referral fees are paid to you using a PayPal account. Alternatively we can send your fees by a bank transfer for amounts over CHF 500. All payment charges are deducted from your affiliate account with us.
Your affiliate account is credited only after we receive a payment from the client referred by you. No commission is paid for refunded payments or charge-backs. Please note that the fees paid by the clients may change from month to month based on changes in our pricing or special discounts.
We specifically disallow providing links to our website in email messages or using other spam-like, illegal or unethical means. You cannot be your own affiliate - the affiliate commission is only paid for other clients you refer to us. We reserve the right to terminate all affiliate accounts which use such practices without sending the outstanding payments.
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