API - Planyo Web Services - modify_reservation

You are here: Planyo » Laguntza » API » modify_reservation



Make modifications to an existing reservation using this function. You can modify the resource, rental time, quantity, and the custom reservation form items. The parameters which you don't want to modify should not be passed.


reservation_id int optional
ID of the reservation to be modified. Required unless reservation_ids is used.
reservation_ids string optional
You can optionally pass multiple comma-separated reservation IDs (max 50) in this parameter. In such case the same modification will be applied to all the reservation IDs passed using the same parameters. If this parameter is passed, you may NOT pass any value in the parameter reservation_id. Note that the JSON data returned by an API call with this parameter will be different. The 'data' key will be an array with reservation IDs as keys and the values corresponding to the standard output of this function (see the Output section below) for given reservation ID.
resource_id int optional
ID of the resource. Specify it only if you want to change the resource.
start_time DateTime optional
Beginning of rental. If you don't specify it, original value will be used.
end_time DateTime optional
End of rental. If you don't specify it, original value will be used. In case of whole-day reservations, enter either the date following the rental date without time or the actual end date with the hour set to 23:59. E.g. to reserve the entire day: 1st of January 2013, enter 2013-01-01 23:59:00 as the end time. In case of night reservations (e.g. accommodations), enter the departure date without any time. E.g. to reserve a single night of the 1st of January 2013, enter 2013-01-02 (=departure date).
user_id int optional
You can assign the reservation to a different user using this parameter.
quantity int optional
Number of units. If you don't specify it, original value will be used.
admin_mode bool optional
If set to true, the reservation modification will be entered in the admin mode meaning that some reservation constraints will not be used (same as in the back end). The default value is false. If this is set to false, and the new price is higher than before the modification, then the confirmed status is taken away (if set before).
send_notifications bool optional
If set to true (default), the customer notifications will be sent, otherwise the initial notifications will be blocked (similar as the 'Send emails to client' checkbox in the reservation form when entering a reservation as the administrator).
rental_prop_xyz string required
Resource-specific additional fields (defined in the admin panel in the Reservation form layout). E.g. if you define additional reservation property 'number of children', this should be passed as rental_prop_number_of_children (where '_' replaces all space characters)
assignment1 string optional
If the resource has named units, then you can specify the unit to be reserved here. If reserving more than one unit, pass the other ones in assignment2, assignment3, etc.
recalculate_price bool optional
Set this to false if you want to block price recalculation. Default is true.
admin_id int optional
Optionally you can assign the modification to a specific administrator/moderator by passing their user id. The administrator must have access to the resource used by the reservation.
comments string optional
Optional comment
method string required
must be set to modify_reservation
language string optional
by specifying a 2-letter (ISO 639-1) language code (all capital letters e.g. EN, DE, FR, ES, IT) you can change the language of the text values returned
api_key string required
your API key - Click here to get your key. If your API key uses a hash key, you must also include the parameters hash_key and hash_timestamp.


status ReservationStatus
Updated status of the booking
warning_text string
If case reservation was modified successfully using the admin mode but a normal customer would not be able to make such modification (because of some constraints such as vacations), then the warning message is returned here.

API playground:

Click here to test this function in the API playground.