API - Planyo Web Services - ReservationStatus

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ReservationStatus (version 1)

Sum (bitwise OR) of one or more of the following values / bit flags:
1 = reservation completed. Generally all reservations are completed except when the reservation process was not finished (e.g. required online payment missing or shopping cart not checked out). This status means that the period is reserved and unavailable for other customers
2 = user's email address has been verified.
4 = reservation confirmed (self-confirmed, e.g. with a payment or confirmed by the admin)
8 = cancelled by administrator
16 = cancelled by user
64 = fraudulent reservation
128 = conflict. Conflicts can happen if e.g. you add vacation for a period for which there already exists a reservation.
256 = this reservation doesn't affect the resource's availability (special status flag used only for resources with unlimited quantity)
512 = reservation was cancelled automatically based on resource rules
2048 = quotation
8192 = waiting list request
16384 = locked for modifications
0 = not completed

The following statuses are used when the check-in feature is enabled:
32 = client checked in
1024 = client checked out
4096 = no-show