API - Planyo Web Services - get_promotable_reservations

You are here: Planyo » Ajutor » API » get_promotable_reservations



Lists all waiting list requests which can be promoted to a valid reservation. You must specify the ID of an existing waiting list placeholder vacation (which you can get by calling list_vacations) that was automatically created by Planyo after the resource was made available (a reservation was cancelled or vacation was removed).


placeholder_vacation_id int required
ID of the waiting list placeholder vacation
page_size int optional
Max. number of results returned (1-1000)
method string required
must be set to get_promotable_reservations
language string optional
by specifying a 2-letter (ISO 639-1) language code (all capital letters e.g. EN, DE, FR, ES, IT) you can change the language of the text values returned
api_key string required
your API key - Click here to get your key. If your API key uses a hash key, you must also include the parameters hash_key and hash_timestamp.


results array
Array whose items are named arrays with the following keys: reservation_id, user_id, resource_id, start_time, end_time, quantity.

API playground:

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