Message to gift card buyer
[Don't send message to the buyer, Send message to the buyer]
Von (E-Mail-Adresse)
[Tennis Court Demo <>]
Spezifizieren Sie die FROM-Adresse für diese E-Mail. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dabei benutzt wird, wenn Sie eine gmail- oder hotmail-Adresse verwenden, und dass dann im REPLY-TO-Feld Ihre Originaladresse verwendet wird.
Sie können nicht ihre eigene FROM-Adresse verwenden, wenn Sie nicht auch Ihren benutzerdefinierten Versandmechanismus konfigurieren, wie z.B. Ihren eigenen SMTP-Server.
#row_email_warn_from {display:none}
Wenn Sie beschliessen, Ihre eigene E-Mail-Adresse im FROM-Feld zu benutzen, müssen Sie Kunden-SMTP-Server benutzen. Bitte informieren Sie sich weiter unter FAQ Q188. Sie können auch einen Kunden-SMTP-Server einrichten.
Code verifizierenVorschauReset
The special tags you can use in the email body are:$(coupon_type) - coupon type, e.g. Vorausbezahlter Betrag or Zahl der Eingänge,$(coupon_is_site_wide) - 'yes' if coupon can be used with any resource of the site, empty string if the coupon is only for some of site's resources.$(coupon_type_id) - ID of the purchased coupon type,$(coupon_purchased_amount) - the purchased amount of coupon units, prepaid money, entries, hours etc,$(coupon_balance) - current balance of coupon units, prepaid money, entries, hours etc,$(coupon_balance_pretty) - current coupon balance with unit type, like '12 days' or '50 entries',$(coupon_price) - coupon price$(coupon_purchase_currency) - currency$(is_coupon_access_email) - 'yes' if coupon has to be used with email address, empty text otherwise,$(coupon_email) - the email address to be used with coupon,$(is_coupon_access_code) - 'yes' if coupon has to be used with code, empty text otherwise,$(coupon_code) - the code to be used with coupon$(is_coupon_personal) - 'yes' if coupon is for personal usage only, empty text otherwise,$(coupon_status_url) - link to the page where user can check coupon status, balance etc.,$(coupon_holder_name) - holder name as specified when purchasing the coupon,$(coupon_label) - label (if any) of the purchased coupon,$(is_gift_certificate) - 'yes' if the coupon was purchased as a gift certificate, otherwise empty string,$(buyer_info) - if the coupon is a gift certificate, this tag prints the buyer info as entered when purchasing the coupon,$(buyer_email) - if the coupon is a gift certificate, this tag prints the buyer email address as entered when purchasing the coupon,$(additional_holder_info) - when using additional fields for holder data when purchasing a coupon, this tag will print the entered information,$(additional_buyer_info) - when using additional fields for buyer data when purchasing a coupon, this tag will print the entered information,$(coupon_add_field_XXX) - value of individual additional holder or buyer field as entered when purchasing a coupon,$(access_type) - how the coupon can be used, e.g. 'Email, coupon code',$(is_day_limited_coupon) - 'yes' when 'Stundenzahl' or 'Zahl der Eingänge' coupon is valid only for limited number to day; emtpy text otherwise$(day_limit_info) - if $(is_day_limited_coupon) is true, this tag prints information about the limitation, e.g. 'valid for 10 days',$(has_custom_first_day_of_validity) - 'yes' when 'Für eine gegebene Zahl von Tagen gültig' or 'Ermässigung gültig für eine bestimmte Anzahl von Tagen' coupon has custom first day of validity; emtpy text otherwise,$(first_day_of_validity) - if $(is_day_limited_coupon) or $(has_custom_first_day_of_validity) is true, this tag prints the first day of coupon's validity,$(last_day_of_validity) - if $(is_day_limited_coupon) is true, this tag prints the last day of coupon's validity,$(resource_names) - if the coupon can be used only with some of site's resources, this tag print the names,$(load_link) - a link to load the coupon (<a href=''> element),$(load_url) - a url to load the coupon,$(coupon_offline_payment_note) - the offline purchase note if one was added by adminDie Dokumentvorlage kann auch allgemeine Tags benutzen. Bitte schauen Sie unter den folgenden häufig gestellten Fragen nach einer detaillierten Tag-Liste nach:Tag playgroundConditional printing of textsSite data
Anhang (pdf)
Code verifizierenVorschauReset
In this template you can enter the content that will be sent in the Gift card buyer message as a PDF attachment. If you don't want to send any attachment, simply leave the template above empty.The special tags you can use in the template are:$(coupon_type) - coupon type, e.g. Vorausbezahlter Betrag or Zahl der Eingänge,$(coupon_is_site_wide) - 'yes' if coupon can be used with any resource of the site, empty string if the coupon is only for some of site's resources.$(coupon_type_id) - ID of the purchased coupon type,$(coupon_purchased_amount) - the purchased amount of coupon units, prepaid money, entries, hours etc,$(coupon_balance) - current balance of coupon units, prepaid money, entries, hours etc,$(coupon_balance_pretty) - current coupon balance with unit type, like '12 days' or '50 entries',$(coupon_price) - coupon price$(coupon_purchase_currency) - currency$(is_coupon_access_email) - 'yes' if coupon has to be used with email address, empty text otherwise,$(coupon_email) - the email address to be used with coupon,$(is_coupon_access_code) - 'yes' if coupon has to be used with code, empty text otherwise,$(coupon_code) - the code to be used with coupon$(is_coupon_personal) - 'yes' if coupon is for personal usage only, empty text otherwise,$(coupon_status_url) - link to the page where user can check coupon status, balance etc.,$(coupon_holder_name) - holder name as specified when purchasing the coupon,$(coupon_label) - label (if any) of the purchased coupon,$(is_gift_certificate) - 'yes' if the coupon was purchased as a gift certificate, otherwise empty string,$(buyer_info) - if the coupon is a gift certificate, this tag prints the buyer info as entered when purchasing the coupon,$(buyer_email) - if the coupon is a gift certificate, this tag prints the buyer email address as entered when purchasing the coupon,$(additional_holder_info) - when using additional fields for holder data when purchasing a coupon, this tag will print the entered information,$(additional_buyer_info) - when using additional fields for buyer data when purchasing a coupon, this tag will print the entered information,$(coupon_add_field_XXX) - value of individual additional holder or buyer field as entered when purchasing a coupon,$(access_type) - how the coupon can be used, e.g. 'Email, coupon code',$(is_day_limited_coupon) - 'yes' when 'Stundenzahl' or 'Zahl der Eingänge' coupon is valid only for limited number to day; emtpy text otherwise$(day_limit_info) - if $(is_day_limited_coupon) is true, this tag prints information about the limitation, e.g. 'valid for 10 days',$(has_custom_first_day_of_validity) - 'yes' when 'Für eine gegebene Zahl von Tagen gültig' or 'Ermässigung gültig für eine bestimmte Anzahl von Tagen' coupon has custom first day of validity; emtpy text otherwise,$(first_day_of_validity) - if $(is_day_limited_coupon) or $(has_custom_first_day_of_validity) is true, this tag prints the first day of coupon's validity,$(last_day_of_validity) - if $(is_day_limited_coupon) is true, this tag prints the last day of coupon's validity,$(resource_names) - if the coupon can be used only with some of site's resources, this tag print the names,$(load_link) - a link to load the coupon (<a href=''> element),$(load_url) - a url to load the coupon,$(coupon_offline_payment_note) - the offline purchase note if one was added by adminDie Dokumentvorlage kann auch allgemeine Tags benutzen. Bitte schauen Sie unter den folgenden häufig gestellten Fragen nach einer detaillierten Tag-Liste nach:Tag playgroundConditional printing of textsSite data