Extension - Google Analytics (GA4) / Google Tag Manager

This GA4 / Google Tag Manager integration will allow you to configure automatic tracking of any of the following events:
- Search results page displayed
- Resource listing page displayed
- Resource details page displayed
- Reservation form displayed
- Additional products page displayed
- Payment button displayed
- Payment completed
- All reservation steps completed
- User checked in
- Shopping cart checkout
- Item added to shopping cart (quick add to cart)
- Item removed from shopping cart
- Shopping cart contents displayed
- Shopping cart checkout initiated (quick add to cart)
- Coupon payment completed

The events will include the resource name and/or the reservation id where available, plus you can add custom variables to the data layer. Some events generated by this extension are custom events while others are Google Analytics defined recommended events which means that standard reports will be more complete for these events. Recommended events supported by the extension are: purchase, begin_checkout, view_cart, add_to_cart, remove_from_cart.

If you want to track specific events as conversions, you can do this in the Analytics Admin in the Events tab.

The use and transfer of information received from Google APIs through this integration will adhere to Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements.

Acheter comme abonnementConditions d'achat
€ 1.5/moisCommencer un abonnement mensuel a cet extension. L'extension sera hébergée sur nos serveurs, donc aucune installation n'est nécessaire. C'est la façon la plus simple d'utiliser l'extension.

Le premier mois est toujours gratuit pour vous donner du temps pour bien tester l'extension. Après les 30 jours d'essai les frais mensuels seront débités automatiquement de votre compte jusqu'a l'annulation de l'abonnement a cette extension. Le solde de votre compte Planyo doit être positif pour commencer l'essai.

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