FAQ Q301: How to setup my Piraeus Bank - ePos PayCenter account to accept payments for the reservations?

Sección: Integrations with specific payment gateways
For general information about accepting payments in Planyo see Q121: I'd like to accept credit card payments for the reservations.

First of all, you need to apply for an ePos PayCenter account for the redirect method at Piraeus Bank.

When applying for the account, you may be asked to submit the following information:

Referrer URL: https://www.planyo.com/payment-paycenter-init.php
Success URL: https://www.planyo.com/payment-paycenter-ipn.php
Failure URL: https://www.planyo.com/payment-paycenter-ipn.php
Backlink URL: https://www.planyo.com/payment-paycenter-cancel.php
Response method (GET or POST): choose POST

When you already have the account and credentials, you need to go to your Planyo site settings and select Piraeus Bank - ePos PayCenter account in the Payment processing site option in Settings / Online payments. You'll then need to enter your AcquirerID / MerchantID / PosID / User Name / Password.

For example, '12/20456570849/4322147692/DR034513/SI53121'.
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