FAQ Q159: I'm trying to use the advanced integration and the planyo page always redirects me to planyo.com.

Sección: Integration with my website
This means that there is a problem with one of the server-side scripts (ulap.php, ulap.aspx or ulap.jsp) which by default are found in the /planyo-files/ directory or in the directory where the planyo module is found. As the default, the PHP script (ulap.php) is used (unless you changed it in the settings). The planyo scripts need this PHP page to be found and work correctly. Otherwise the script redirects the user to the planyo.com server, or otherwise the advanced integration simply doesn't work and you'll see errors related to fetching ulap.php in the developer console (e.g. in the DevTools of the Chrome browser).

Note: If you have no control over your PHP configuration (e.g. your hosting provider won't change it for you) or you're otherwise unable to make sure that your ulap.php is accessible via the http protocol, you should simply not use the planyo plugins but instead use the 'Quick copy/paste of HTML code' integration method. This will solve the problem because PHP is then not at all used. Please see the rest of this answer if you'd like to continue using the plugin integration method.

Make sure your server supports PHP, if it doesn't, choose one of the other ulap scripts. Also make sure this script can be accessed (try manually opening https://yoursite.com/planyo-files/ulap.php in your browser). If the php script works correctly, you should see the following message: Error: Call to not allowed.

You can then try checking if the ulap script can read a location on planyo.com by opening: https://yoursite.com/planyo-files/ulap.php?ulap_url=https://www.planyo.com/ (once again, replace the path to ulap.php with the correct location on your server). This call should display the contents of the planyo.com homepage (without images etc.)

Note for Drupal users: the Drupal module is the only one which does not use an external ulap script but you can test the problem by opening /planyo/ulap or ?q=/planyo/ulap. For full test check https://yoursite.com/planyo/ulap?ulap_url=https://www.planyo.com/ or https://yoursite.com/?q=/planyo/ulap&ulap_url=https://www.planyo.com/

Note for the PHP version (used by all CMS systems): The ulap script in order to work correctly, needs to be able to read contents of an external URL using either CURL or fopen/fread PHP functions. If running the ulap script shows nothing or an error message other than Call to ... not allowed, it's possible that your web server specifically prohibits opening external URLs. In such case please contact your server admin and show them the contents of ulap.php (it's a short file with very basic functionality).
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