FAQ Q361: Will Planyo work with the EU SEPA QR-codes?

Absatz: Setting up your pricing and invoicing
Yes, you can use the tag $(eu_qr_code:xxx). It will generate the QR code for a SEPA-compatible payment. This tag is usually used in the invoice template but you can use it in any other template as well.

The tag can use one of the following formats:

$(eu_qr_code:AMOUNT:IBAN) - replace AMOUNT with the desired amount and IBAN with your bank account's IBAN number, e.g. in the context of a reservation you could use the tag $(eu_qr_code:$(price_quoted):DE75512108001245126199)
$(eu_qr_code:AMOUNT:IBAN:REFERENCE) - replace AMOUNT with the desired amount, IBAN with your bank account's IBAN number, and REFERENCE with the text that you'd like to use in the payment reference. Note that REFERENCE can be any text (up to 140 characters in length) or it can use the ISO 11649 RF Creditor Reference format (prefixed with RF), e.g. in the context of a reservation you could use the tag $(eu_qr_code:$(price_quoted):DE75512108001245126199:Reservation $(reservation_id))