FAQ Q342: How to configure full-day and half-day rentals (mornings/afternoons) with different pricing depending on the weekday?

Section: Site and resource configuration

Time-related settings

First of all, you must start with time-related settings. Set Rental duration to Client can choose from predefined values and enter your 2 options: 4 hours with the label Half day and 8 hours with the label Full day. Then set Restrict starting times to 8:00, 14:00. Of course your durations and start times can be different, enter them accordingly. If afternoon duration is different than the morning duration, you'll need to add 3 choices.

See Q228 for more about configuring date and time fields

Reservation form fields

At this point the customer would see 3 time fields on the reservation form: the date field, the start time field (with 2 choices) and the duration field (with 2 choices). This UI is not ideal, e.g. the choice of full-day starting at 14:00 is by design not possible and would always result in an error message. This is why it's better to add another dropdown field to your reservation form (do it here) called e.g. Rental time. This should be a dropdown with the following values: Morning, Afternoon, Full day. You must set a default value for this field, e.g. morning.

See Q142 for general information about reservation form fields.

Automatic updates of form items

The reservation form is now broken, in that it has redundant fields and the new rental time field will not really do anything at all. To fix this, you'll need to go to automatic updates of form items which is where you can configure relationships between different form items. Here you'll want to change the value of the start time and duration fields based on the choice of rental time and also you'll want to hide these two fields. In order to do this, you'll need to specify the following rules:

Trigger itemTrigger valueDependent itemDependent valueHide item
Rental timeMorningStart time8:00Yes
Rental timeMorningDuration4 hoursYes
Rental timeAfternoonStart time14:00Yes
Rental timeAfternoonDuration4 hoursYes
Rental timeFull dayStart time8:00Yes
Rental timeFull dayDuration8 hoursYes
See Q233 for a detailed description of Automatic updates of form items

Pricing configuration

Go to pricing manager in order to set up the rules that will set the correct price for half and full days based on the weekday. Let's say the weekends (Saturday, Sunday) should be more expensive than weekdays. You'll need to enter one rule based on the weekday and 6 rules which will set the pricing for mornings, afternoons and full days for weekends and then for weekdays. Here are the required rules:

RuleRule conditionAdvanced conditionPrice
1. Default price(leave empty)
2. WeekdayMonday-Friday(leave empty)
3. Rental duration chosenMorningapply this rule only if all of the following rules were applied: 2(set your weekday morning price)
4. Rental duration chosenAfternoonapply this rule only if all of the following rules were applied: 2(set your weekday afternoon price)
5. Rental duration chosenFull dayapply this rule only if all of the following rules were applied: 2(set your weekday full day price)
6. Rental duration chosenMorningapply this rule only if none of the following rules were applied: 2(set your weekend morning price)
7. Rental duration chosenAfternoonapply this rule only if none of the following rules were applied: 2(set your weekend afternoon price)
8. Rental duration chosenFull dayapply this rule only if none of the following rules were applied: 2(set your weekend full day price)
See Q181 for a detailed description of the pricing manager.

This is the finished configuration. Of course any variations are possible, e.g. pricing depending on the season instead of weekday, or different morning and afternoon durations etc. All these changes require only small modifications to the directions above.

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