FAQ Q356: How to use the Make integration to connect to other apps?

Sekcja: Integrations with other apps and data import/export
Make lets you connect planyo with thousands of other cloud apps. If you want to integrate Planyo with another app you use, thanks to Make you don't need to search for a dedicated integration, simply create a Make automation (scenario) which will do this for you.

Planyo as a wehbook (trigger) resulting in an action in another app

In this type of scenario you have a Planyo trigger (e.g. a new reservation, a confirmed reservation, a new payment, a new customer etc.) and you want to automatically execute an action based on this trigger in another app. An example could be sending an SMS, creating an entry code in a lock or sending an e-signing request once a reservation is made or adding a subscriber to a mailing list once a new customer is added to Planyo.

In this scenario, use the following steps:
  1. In Make, create a new scenario and start by adding the Planyo app. Choose one of the actions starting with "Watch..." which are the available Planyo webhooks, such as "Watch Reservations Confirmed".
  2. Create a webhook and copy the webhook's URL address to clipboard
  3. In the Planyo backend, go to Site settings / Email and Sms notifications / Notification callbacks - Webhooks. Here paste the webhook URL previously copied to clipboard in the corresponding event. If you see an existing webhook, you need to separate the URLs by a single space character.
  4. Now that the webhook is connected to Make, go back to Make and create an action perfomed whenever the webhook is triggered. To the right of the Planyo app, click on the semi-circle to add your other app and define the action to be performed.
  5. In the action's fields use the values from the Planyo trigger, such as the reservation id, resource name, start/end date/time, email address, customer's first and last name etc.

Check out the following video for step-by-step instructions of how to configure a Planyo webhook as a Make trigger:

Performing a Planyo action based on a trigger in another app

In this type of scenario you have an external trigger coming from another app (e.g. a new reservation created by another app or a calendar-based event which makes a resource unavailable) and you want to automatically execute an action in Planyo based on this trigger. Usually it will be creating a new reservation in Planyo or adding a new vacation (unavailability period) in Planyo.

In this scenario, use the following steps:
  1. In Make, create a new scenario and start by adding the trigger app. Follow the directions from the other app's (or Make's) documentation in order to add the webhook.
  2. In Planyo, go to API / API key and generate a new API key. In the security options, don't add an IP filter or a hash key but you can optionally limit the api methods which can be called by this API key, e.g. by choosing "add_vacation" or "make_reservation". You'll also need to add a permission to call "list_resources" which is required by Make. You can also not add any security options and simply proceed to generate the API key. Copy the newly generated API to clipboard.
  3. Create an action perfomed whenever the webhook is triggered. To the right of the added app, click on the semi-circle to add Planyo and define the action to be performed (e.g. "Add a Vacation").
  4. The first thing necessary is to create a Planyo connection. Click the button to create a new connection and in the field Api key you'll need to paste the API key from Planyo.
  5. In the action's fields use the values from the other app's trigger, such as the dates, customer's first and last name, email address etc.