FAQ Q269: Why don't I receive push notifications on my mobile phone when using the Planyo app?

Absatz: Integrations with other apps and data import/export
First of all, go to Site Settings / Active Features in your Planyo account, and make sure that the option Push Notifications (iOS, Android) is checked. This is the master switch which determines whether push notifications should be sent or not.

Please also note that planyo will only send a single push notification per user so if you installed the planyo app on multiple devices and used the same login on all of them, only the device where you installed planyo last will receive the push notifications.

You should also check the settings of the Planyo App on your mobile device. On the Notifications page, make sure the notifications you wish to receive are enabled.

The last thing to be aware of is that the notifications are sent for user actions, e.g. if the administrator modifies a reservation, he/she won't receive the Reservation modified notification. The push notifications are meant to inform the admins of user actions.