FAQ Q172: How can I display only selected resources in calendar preview?

Sección: Availability calendar

To easily customize your calendar preview, start by navigating to Integrate with my website and selecting CALENDAR PREVIEW in the WIDGET section. From here, you have several options to filter the resources displayed in your calendar preview:

Dropdown showing the resources filter options

Alternatively, for more advanced customization, you can manually add parameters to the URL of the iframe provided in the same CALENDAR PREVIEW section.

The parameter in the calendar preview widget is called resfilter, and its value should be a comma-separated list of resource IDs to be displayed. For example, to display only resources with IDs 29 and 30, e.g. https://www.planyo.com/embed-calendar.php?calendar=11&resfilter=29,30 to display only resources with IDs 29 and 30.

You can also display only the resources with a custom property set to a specific value. This allows you to filter resources by any criteria. For example, if you have a custom resource property called location, you can display all resources from New York by adding the following parameters to the calendar preview URL: &propfilter_name=location&propfilter_value=New York (remember to use underscore characters instead of spaces, e.g., total_capacity instead of total capacity).

Check out this FAQ question for other customizations of the calendar preview.

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