FAQ Q223: What's the meaning of colors assigned to reservations?

Absatz: Reservation management
The administrator/moderators can assign of of the available colors to each reservation. There is no special meaning of this from the system's perspective but you can give the colors the meaning understood by the moderators, e.g. red could mean some reservation details are still missing and must be sent by the customer etc.

In Site Settings / Color labels (click here to access this page) you can add labels to the colors so that all moderators will be able to hover over the color square to see the meaning.

Colors can be assigned to reservations manually by the admins or also can be assigned automatically. The color manager is where you can configure rules which determine how and when the colors get assigned automatically. First you define the event which should trigger the color change and then you specify a number of conditions. If all conditions are met, the color is assigned. You can even specify a template code which can use very advanced logic based on any data connected to the reservation which can be also one of the required conditions.

On the Notifications page you can configure an automated email/sms notification sent whenever a color is changed (manually or automatically). There's only a single notification for the color change event but if you wish to only send an email for a specific color or if you have different notifications for different colors you can add conditions so that a specific message is sent only for given color. The condition will use the tag $(rental_color_XXX) - it will be non-empty when the tag matches the color assigned to the reservation. XXX can be either:
(1) the color code without hash (#), e.g. $(rental_color_A8314F) for red (see the $(rental_color) description in Q204 for the supported codes),
(2) the standard color label, e.g. $(rental_color_red), or
(3) your custom color label defined in Color labels, e.g. $(rental_color_custom_label_red) when your custom label for red is 'Custom label red'.

For example, when the color assigned to the reservation is Cyan (#81FCF6), the tags $(rental_color_81FCF6), $(rental_color_cyan) and a possible $(rental_color_CUSTOM_CYAN_LABEL) will be non-empty, while all other color tags, e.g. $(rental_color_red), $(rental_color_33FF33) or $(rental_color_custom_yellow) will be empty.

This allows you to easily use the tags in conditional formulas, e.g.:

$(if) $(rental_color_cyan) $(then)
-- email body sent when the color has been changed to cyan --

$(if) $(rental_color_81FCF6) $(then)
-- email body sent when the color has been changed to #81FCF6 --

Emails with empty body will not be sent so in case the new color is different, no email notification will be sent out.