FAQ Q367: I want to change the email address of a user

Section: Login, accounts and user roles
If you want to change the email address of a user, go to the user details page, click Edit, enter the new email address and then submit the form. You can reach the user details page in different ways. For example, if it's a customer, find their reservation and click on the user ID (Uxxx). You can also go to the customer list page and search for the customer's name or email address.

If it's the email address of a moderator or resource admin that you wish to change, then go to the moderators page and click the button User settings next to the moderator -- or in case of a resource admin -- go to to the resource listing page and click on the resource admin's name.

If you'd like to change the email address of your own account and not that of another user, then log into your Planyo account, then click on the My account link in the top-right corner of every backend page. Here you can change your own email address. Note that for newly created trial sites, you will not be able to change the email address of the main administrator.
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