FAQ Q365: How can I skip the shopping cart page and have the customer go directly to the checkout page?

Section: Templates, tags and CSS styles
The shopping cart page is useful to allow the customer the possibility to add new items to the cart or remove exiting items from the cart. This page is used for both shopping cart modes: the regular one and "quick add to cart" where the customer only enters their personal details at checkout and the resources being reserved are added to the cart in a lightbox popup.

In the shopping cart template you can customize the overall shopping cart page while in the shopping cart contents template you can customize the way Planyo prints each existing shopping cart item. The shopping cart template can also run a quick search for available resources across the same or similar dates as the reservations already in the cart so you can suggest to your customers other products or services they can add to the cart.

If you don't want to use the shopping cart page at all, and instead you want the customer to directly go to the checkout page, simply add the tag $(do_immediate_checkout) anywhere in the shopping cart tamplate. This will simplify the reservation/check-out process to your customers.

Similarly, your checkout template can include the tag $(auto_redirect_payment) which skips the checkout step and redirect the customer directly to the payment gateway where they can make the online payment.

Note that using both these redirections is normally not recommended since the customer expects to be able to confirm their desire to check-out and make the online payment.
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