FAQ Q373: Can can I get an iCal feed of flexible package reservations including a specific base resource?

Sezione: Packages and bundles
Note: only a moderator/site administrator can create such an iCal feed. The resource admin of the base resource can only select a specific package whose reservations (including their administered base resource) will be exported into an iCal feed. The following approach, on the other hand, exports reservations of all flexible packages which include given base resource.

First, go to the Data export (iCal) page.

Now, select All resources in the resource choice, and then in the Filter byoption select Flexible package / xxx category resource ID where xxx is the category (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc.) in which selected base resource can be included. Note that this must be the same category for all the flexible packages whose iCal feed will be exported.

The option Required value must be set to the numerical ID of the base resource whose reservations we want exported. You can check the numerical ID of any resource in the resource list.

Click Submit to generate the iCal feed. Important: if you want to share the iCal feed url with other persons, you should set the option personal ID of the recipient so that at any time in the future you can revoke their access to the feed. See Q344 for more info about managing personal IDs / cancelling validity of generated iCal feeds on demand.

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