FAQ Q379: Can I get my customers to agree to our conditions by leaving their signature during the reservation process?
Sezione: Reservation form
I need to get my customers' agreement to our conditions. How can this be accomplished in Planyo?
Planyo offers 4 different ways to get customers' signature or agreement of a contract:
1. Your customers can agree to your terms & conditions simply by selecting a checkbox on the reservation form. This checkbox, when present, is obligatory and the reservation details store the proof of the agreement. The terms can be printed in full in a text box or you can place a link to a page containing them on your website. See
Q147 for the details.
2. Very similar to #1, you can get your customers to put their signature on a field in the reservation form by drawing it with a mouse or touching the screen on mobile devices or tablets. The drawn signature is also stored in reservation details and can be used in all your templates, e.g. you may wish to include the same contract but with the customer's signature in a pdf attachment in the confirmation email. See
Q147 for the details.
3. You can use the Zapier integration in order to use an external e-signing service such as DokuSign. The way this works is for each new reservation (or when it gets confirmed), Planyo automatically sends a document signing request to the customer as well as pre-populates the contract with the reservation data such as the arrival and departure dates, customer's name, email address or other personal information or data from any of the other fields on the reservation form. The customer then clicks on the DokuSign link in their email and finishes the signing on DokuSign's website. See
Q350 for the details.
4. You can use Planyo's reservation documents feature in order to automatically generate a PDF contract pre-filled with the reservation data (similar to #3) and attach it in the email sent to the customer. The customer would then need to print it out, sign it physically and scan the document (or make a photo) and then upload it using Planyo's extension "Storage of custom reservation documents extension for Planyo". The uploaded signed contract is then stored and made available to you for download. See
Q377 for the details.