FAQ Q364: I'm having issues when translating drop-down values of a form item or custom resource property

Sekcja: Translations and language
In Planyo all custom content can be translated to any supported language and this includes potential dropdown values for things such as reservation form items or custom resource properties. If a translation is available, then Planyo will always use the translations in the frontend instead of the values in the original language.

You can enter such translation on the user interface translation page, then in the dropdown ... choose of of these items find your custom resource property or form item and then click on the translation with the ID S_xxx_VALUES where xxx is the name of the item whose values you want to translate. In the customized translation box, enter comma-separated translations of the dropdown values.

Important: when translating comma-separated drop-down values, you must make sure the number of values (and therefore the number of commas) is the same as in the original value. This is also very important when in the future you wish to modify the possible dropdown values, e.g. by adding a new value. You must then make sure you go to the custom translations page for each language that you translated these values into and you must update the translations accordingly as well.

If you want to use the translated values in your emails or templates, then use the following tags :