FAQ Q378: How do I configure Pricing Manager if I have a resource (parking lot or similar) with daily prices getting lower for each successive day of rental?

Sezione: Setting up your pricing and invoicing
Let's assume the following pricing scheme: the first day (24-hour period) of rental costs EUR 10, then the 2nd and 3rd day costs EUR 8/day and all further days cost EUR 6 per day.

If your resource is day-based, such configuration is very straight-forward:
1. Default price10 EUR per day
2. Additional days (>1 day)8 EUR per day
3. Additional days (>3 days)6 EUR per day
If your resource is hour-based, however, this configuration will not work because of the way pricing manager assigns individual prices to each time unit (hour) of the rental and only adds all the hour prices at the end. This approach is needed specifically for pricing schemes such as this one where different times of the day or different days have different prices.

Here, specifically, the default price rule says 10 EUR per day, so if the rental duration is e.g. 10 hours, Planyo assigns the price of 1 EUR (10 EUR / 10 hours) to each hour of the rental in the default price rule. If the duration is more than 24 hours, let's say it's 25 hours, then Planyo, knowing the rental duration is two 24-hour periods (because the price is expressed as PER DAY) will set each hour's price to 1/25th (we have 25 1-hour units) of 20 EUR (2 * daily 10 EUR charge) in the default price rule. Then, the second rule will break things because only the 25th hour of the rental will be affected by rule #2. For most rules, each time unit is affected in the same way but some rules, such as additional days, additional hours, hour, date, season etc. will only affect the time units matching the rule. Here it's only the 25th hour because our rule has the condition: Additional days (>1 day). So, after rule #2, the first 24 hours will each be priced 0.80 EUR (as set by the default price rule) and the 25th hour will have the price of 8 EUR (because there's only one day beyond the first 24h period represented by this single hour). So at this point the total is EUR 27.20 (24 * EUR 0.80 + EUR 8). This is not at all what we're trying to accomplish here!

In order to fix the pricing for hour-based resources, we'll need a different set of rules. The following rules will btw. also work for day-based resources.
1. Default price(empty)
2. Number of days from beginning of rental (1st day - 1st day of rental)10 EUR per day
3. Number of days from beginning of rental (2nd day - 3rd day of rental)8 EUR per day
4. Number of days from beginning of rental (4th day of rental - ∞)6 EUR per day
The rule used here: Number of days from beginning of rental is a special type of rule which allows you to directly manipulate prices of specific time units of the rental belonging to Nth day (24h period) of the rental. Using the above rules we directly set the price of all matching units of the 1st 24h period so their daily total is 10 EUR, then 8 EUR for days two and three and then 6 EUR for further days. This rule doesn't affect time units not included in the condition, e.g. rule 1 only affects the first 24 hours of the rental etc.

With these rules rental durations under 24 hours will have the total of 10 EUR, between 24 and 48 hours will cost 18 EUR, 48 - 72 hours will cost 26 EUR and then each extra day (of part thereof) will add EUR 6 to the total price.
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