FAQ Q363: I've deleted a resource and all the reservations for that resource are gone. How can I restore the resource?

Seksjon: Site and resource configuration
When you click on the button to delete a resource (on the resource settings page), you're warned that deleting the resource will also delete all the reservations made for it. Deleting the associated reservations is done by design. If you only need to make an unused resource unavailable for new reservations, you should simply unpublish it (see Q182). This will keep the existing reservations in the system but for all other purposes the resource is no longer usable (unless you publish it again). Also, unpublished resources don't add to the monthly Planyo PRO subscription price.

If you've just deleted a resource and you need to retrieve some data related to it (e.g. resource settings, pricing or associated reservations), you can go to the sandbox (https://sandbox.planyo.com) and access the required data. If the deletion took place on a previous day or earlier, then there is no way for you to restore the lost data.

Note that we keep daily backups so we can manually restore the lost data for you for a fee. Since this operation is manual, the fee depends on what exactly you need restored. Please contact us mentioning what exactly you need to be restored and the date when the resource was deleted and we'll give you a price offer for this operation.
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