FAQ Q123: How can I modify the messages sent to my customers?

Section: Emails & SMS notifications
Go to Site settings > Email/SMS notifications where you can control all emails sent out by planyo.

Each message can be customized by clicking Edit next to given notification. Customized messages are defined as a template which can contain rich text content (HTML) such as images, different fonts and colors etc. You can either enter it as HTML code or using an easy-to-use WYSIWYG editor. You can also add optional attachments to the email (e.g. PDFs, DOCs or any other standard document type) or the invoice in the PDF format, or also the ical feed for the reservation.

The email body, title and BCC fields can also contain one of many pre-defined special tags that will be replaced by actual reservation data at the time of sending. On the custom message page you will see a list of all possible tags that you can use and which will be replaced by Planyo with values corresponding to given reservation. E.g. $(cancel_url) will be replaced by the URL of a page that allows the customer to cancel their reservation, $(first_name) will be replaced by their first name and $(reservation_id) will be replaced with the reservation number (ID).

Another very useful thing you can do with the tags are conditions which print different text depending on specific reservation. For example, if someone's arriving with animals, you may want to print your conditions for arriving with animals. Another interesting thing that the conditional tags can do is deciding IF the email should be sent or not. Planyo will never send out empty emails so if the entire email body is wrapped inside a conditional statement, based on the condition the email will be sent or not.

Note that you can also define special versions of your notifications for specific resources or different language versions of the notification.

Please see Q256 for detailed information about how planyo tags are used in notifications and how to use conditional tags.

See this tutorial for more detailed instructions for configuration of notifications.
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