FAQ Q338: What restrictions are there during the free trial period?
Section: Paying for the Planyo account, terms of service and privacy
The Planyo trial is fully functional so you can test all the functions of the system, including the possibility to test our extensions / integrations and to integrate Planyo with your website. For security reasons we have added the following restrictions to the accounts which are in their trial period and have no registered payments:
- The customer making a reservation will see information about the trial period on the reservation form and in the notification messages
- You can have no more than 300 reservations
- You can have reservations assigned to no more than 30 customers
- You cannot have the system send out emails to fake / non-existing email addresses or email addresses belonging to someone else. Your account will not be able to send out any emails if there are more than 2 cases of a bounce or spam complaint.
You have 30 days to make your first payment. Even if your account is commission-based, you'll still need to make the initial payment because after the trial your account balance must always stay positive.
Note that you cannot use a trial site for commercial purposes.
If you want to go into production before the trial is over, you'll simply need to make the first payment. This will immediately remove the above restrictions. The remaining days of the trial will then still be free so you're not shortening the free period or paying more by making the initial payment early. Please note that the payments are non-refundable.