Descrivete la vostra attività.
Baudea Adventure is a company located in Galicia (Spain) specialized in active and adventure tourism. Our activities offered at this time are: Ulla River Rafting, Quad, Motorcycle Off Road Experience and Paintball... We hope to expand the activities in the future.
Baudea Aventura es una empresa localizada en Galicia (España) especializada en el Turismo Activo y de Aventura. Nuestras actividades que ofrecemos en este momento son: Rafting en el Río Ulla, Rutas en Quad en Padrón, Moto Off Road Experience en Padrón y Paintball en Cacheiras... Esperamos ampliar las actividades en el futuro
Come usate planyo?
We have fully integrated Planyo on our site. And we have activated the email notifications and Paypal payments.
Hemos integrado totalmente en nuestra página. Y hemos activado las notificiaciones en email y el pago con Paypal.
Descrivete la vostra esperienza.
Planyo is a very good online booking system that we have been impressed by with its quality and the full adaptation with our business. is a system with enormous potential.
Planyo es un sistema de reservas online muy bueno que a nosotros nos ha impresionado por su calidad y por lo total adaptación a nuestro negocio. es un sistema con un potencial enorme.
Descrivete la vostra attività.
Mundooz is a European based company that offers an international online platform with unique trips, activities organized by local guides. All our tours are private and 100% customisable. By booking these trips you will be able to explore the country in a unique way, explore sites not often visited by tourists and you support the local economy. Mundooz carefully select the guides, so we can make sure your holiday will be an unforgettable experience.
Descrivete la vostra esperienza.
For our trips, we often have complex price structures and availabilities. Planyo is the only tool I found which is able to fulfill all our requirements. Helpdesk service is great. We always received a helpful answer within a day.