Customer site of the week


Describe your business.

We're renting out satellite communication equipment to people travelling to places where there's no other communication means.


How do you use Planyo?

We're using Planyo to show availability of different types of equipment (phones, trackers or data terminals) as well as calculate prices and help us of course with booking administration. Invoices and payments we're not yet handling, we'll have a look at that after this summer season.


Describe your experience so far.

With some custom colour labels and notification settings we've automated most of our old manual e-mail procedures as well. It works fantastic!

customer site of the week

Describe your business.

TOKYO KIMONO RENTAL tansu-ya, located in Asakusa, Tokyo, is the kimono rental shop. We provide kimonos for rent not only for ladies but also for men. Take a walk wearing Kimono around Asakusa.


Describe your experience so far.

Planyo reservation system supports to multiple languages. The formats of the reservation are prepared variously and integration to a web site is very easy. The most important thing is that Planyo (customer) support is very helpful.

customer site of the week
Tokyo Kimono Rental

Describe your business.

We, the central German air sports center operate at the international airport Leipzig / Halle (LEJ) the flight simulator and flight school in Leipzig. We also provide sightseeing flights in the airplane, helicopter or hot air balloon. The simulator is not just for pilots and student pilots but, under the guidance of an experienced instructor, to all who are interested in enjoying a realistic flight. This includes a fully functional cockpit, HD visualization forward and to the sides, stunning scenery and natural sound of an authentic movement.
Wir, das Mitteldeutsche Luftsportzentrum, betreiben am internationalen Flughafen Leipzig/Halle (LEJ) den Flugsimulator Leipzig und die Flugschule Leipzig. Außerdem vermitteln wir Rundflüge im Flugzeug, Helikopter oder Heißluftballon. Der Simulator steht nicht nur Piloten & Flugschülern zum Training zur Verfügung, denn unter Anleitung eines erfahrenen Instruktors können auch alle Interessierten („Fußgänger“) im Cockpit Platz nehmen und einen realitätsnahen Flug erleben. Das ganze natürlich mit einem voll funktionsfähigem Cockpit, HD-Visualisierung nach vorne und zu den Seiten, einer atemberaubenden Klangkulisse und natürlich einer authentischen Bewegung.


How do you use Planyo?

We use Planyo as the only management system of the simulator time to plan effectively and avoid scheduling conflicts. We have configured the system so that our clients reserve the times themselves and pay by PayPal or redeem a gift voucher. Here, various user groups (pilots, flight students, experienced users, groups) get different conditions. With the integration with Google Calendar the instructor can always see when they are needed. If Planyo continues to develop as positively, we can imagine using it also for our entire customer management and accounting for aircraft charters.
Wir nutzen Planyo als einziges Verwaltungssystem um die Simulator-Zeiten effektiv zu planen und so Terminüberschneidungen zu vermeiden. Wir haben das System so konfiguriert, dass unsere Kunden die Zeiten selber reservieren und per PayPal bezahlen können oder einen Geschenkgutschein einlösen können. Dabei können verschiedene Nutzergruppen (Piloten, Flugschüler, Erlebnis-Gäste, Gruppen) unterschiedliche Konditionen erhalten. Über den Abgleich mit einem Google-Kalender können die Instruktoren über ein Kalender-Abo immer sehen, wann sie gebraucht werden oder welcher Kollege welche Zeiten übernimmt. Wenn sich Planyo weiterhin so positiv entwickelt, können wir uns vorstellen auch unsere gesamte Kundenverwaltung und Rechnungslegung für den Bereich Flugzeug-Charter zu integrieren.


Describe your experience so far.

Planyo is a versatile tool for the entire process, from the booking by a customer, through the payment, and the schedule plan for the employees. In the daily work with Planyo we keep seeing ever more possibilities in which the company processes can be supported and which make our work more effective.
Planyo ist ein vielfältiges Instrument um den gesamten Prozess, von der Reservierung durch den Kunden, über die Bezahlung bis hin zur Tagesplanung für die Mitarbeiter einfach zu gestalten. In der täglichen Arbeit mit Planyo offenbaren sich immer neue Möglichkeiten, wie das System Prozesse im Unternehmen sinnvoll unterstützen kann und damit effektiveres Arbeiten möglich macht.

customer site of the week
Central German air sports center / flight simulator Leipzig

Describe your business.

Wifivox is a young company in the heart of Barcelona helping tourists from all over the world stay connected to the Internet while visiting Spain. We rent pocket wifi devices that create a mobile wifi hotspot allowing the connection of smartphones, tablets and laptops to the Internet everywhere you go.


How do you use Planyo?

We use Planyo to manage all Wifivox's online bookings. Besides the online booking system, our customers can also come to our Barcelona store and directly book our devices there. Planyo also manages these bookings and give us the possibility to override the online payment and give special prices directly in the store.


Describe your experience so far.

Planyo is a very flexible online booking engine that has provided us with all the functionalities that other online booking systems didn't give us. We needed a complex price manager and Planyo has a very good one. Planyo support was extremely helpful during all the implementation process.

customer site of the week