Customer site of the week


Describe your business.

As estate managers we rent out event halls. We use the electronic reservation system to improve efficiency in our everyday tasks.
Als Immobilienbewirtschafter vermieten wir Eventlokale. Dabei nutzen wir das elektronische Reservationssystem zur Effizienzschaffung im administrativen Arbeitsalltag.


How do you use Planyo?

An administrator manages the software. Planyo is integrated with our website using a TYPO3 plugin. The communication with prospective customers is done via email. We also use reports and invoices in a customized form.
Ein Administrator pflegt die Software. Planyo ist über ein TYPO3-Plugin in unserem Webauftritt integriert. Die Kommunikation mit den Interessenten geschieht über E-Mails. Ebenfalls nutzen wir Reports und Rechnungen in angepasster Form.


Describe your experience so far.

The experiences are positive. The customers immediately accepted the possibility of making reservations electronically. The customer is guided through the application in a simple aund understandable way.
Die Erfahrungen sind positiv. Der Kunde akzeptierte die elektronische Reservationsmöglichkeit auf Anhieb. Auf einfache und verständliche Art wird der Kunde durch die Applikation geführt.

customer site of the week
City of Winterthur, Switzerland

Describe your business. is an IT support site for the students of Campus Kristiania. Campus Kristiania is an university college located in Oslo, Norway, owned by Ernst G Mortensens foundation. We have approximately 8000 students, and the website removes a significant amount of traffic for IT support. It is very important to us that everything is functioning predictably.

We use Planyo for booking of group rooms.


How do you use Planyo?

Our site is a WordPress site. We use the plugin for WordPress that comes along with Planyo, as a simple integration.


Describe your experience so far.

Planyo is predictable and stable and the students thinks that the booking system is easy to use. Planyo is amazinglygood at customer service, so if you are new to the concept of booking, Planyo is a safe choice.

I would like to give a special thanks to Rafael@Planyo who have put up with me and the large amount of questions I have addressed at all hours. J

customer site of the week - Campus Kristiania University

Describe your business.

Im Impact Hub Bern hosten wir spannende Inhalte, Community und Space um gemeinsam innovative Antworten auf die wirtschaftlichen, ökologischen und sozialen Herausforderungen unserer Zeit zu entwickeln. Dabei vermieten wir auch Sitzungszimmer und Eventräume an bester Lage in Bern.


Describe your experience so far.

Planyo is a very customizable service, that perfect fits to our needs.

customer site of the week
Impact Hub Bern