Planyo Aiuto :: Creare buoni - Buoni comuni per tutte le risorse

Qui puoi creare delle variazioni dei buoni che i tuoi clienti possono comprare e usare per le prenotazioni.

Creare un nuovo buono

Tipo di buono
[Importo prepagato, Numero di ore, Numero di entrate, Valido per il numero di giorni indicato, Sconto valido per un determinate numero di giorni]
Sconto (e.g. 40%)
Enter the price of this coupon. You can leave this empty (or type: 0) in which case the coupon will be hidden from customers and will be only available for the administrators. For a 'Importo prepagato' coupon, when no price is entered the amount will be used as the price.
One entry is counted per person (otherwise per reservation)
Validity limit
[No validity limit, Valido per il numero di giorni indicato, Valid for fixed period of time]
... valido per il numero di giorni indicato
For the Number of hours and Number of entries coupons, you can limit the coupon validity to a number of days. Additionally, you can decide if a customer buying the coupon can choose the start date or if the validity should be counted from the purchase day.

For example, you can create a Number of entries coupon with 3 entries that can be used up within 7 days since purchasing.
... da
... a
Permetti ai clienti di scegliere liberamente la data di inizio.
If the coupon has a validity period, you can decide whether this periods always starts on the day the coupon is purchased or if the first validity date can be freely chosen by the customer
... validitá verificata in relazione a
[Data arrivo/partenza, Data di inserimento]
Scegli se il limite di 'Valido per il numero di giorni indicato' deve essere verificato in relazione alle date della prenotazione di arrivo e partenza o in relazione al momento in cui è stata effettuata la prenotazione.

Diciamo che il limite è impostato a 25 giorni. Per l’opzione 'Data arrivo/partenza', il cliente puó usare il coupon solo quando ledate di arrivo e partenza rientrano nel periodo di 25 giorni. Inoltre, per 'Data di inserimento' il cliente puó prenotare qualsiasi periodo (anche dopo il periodo dei 25 giorni di validitá del coupon)fintanto che la stessa prenotazione viene effettuata nei 25 giorni
Nome (opzionale)
You can optionally type the coupon's label. The label will be visible to the customer on the coupon purchase page. If no label is specified, the coupon description (type, amount etc.) will be used instead. If this is needed in your application, you can also translate label to other languages. Go to 'Site settings / Customized translation', find the language you want to translate to and click [User interface]. In the 'Search for text ...' field, enter the original label or its part and click Search. Click the label ID in the results to add the translation.
Tipo d'accesso
[Freely chosen by the customer (email address, code or email address and code), Both email address and code must be used., Only email address is used (no code)., Only coupon code is used (no email address limitation).]
Choose how the customer will access the coupon. You can let the customer freely choose the access method or limit them to always use email address, code or both email address and code.
Can only be purchased as gift card
If you select this option, the customer will be able to purchase the coupon only as a gift certificate.
Solo uso personale
If you select this, the customer will only be able to purchase coupons usable by a single person (themselves or others as gift certificate). This is useful if your coupon should ONLY be used by one person identified by a single email address.
Limite della quantità
You can limit the number of coupons of this type that your customers can purchase. For example, if you enter 10, up to 10 such coupons will be sold.

If you don't want to set any limit on the number of purchsed coupons, leave this field empty.
Unpublish a coupon to make it invisible to clients. This way you can archive coupons when you don't want to delete them.
Choose if the coupon can be used with tutte risorse or only with selected risorse. Note that when selecting multiple single risorse, specifying coupon's label above is a good idea. Otherwise, the coupon's description used instead and containing names of the selected risorse can be too long.
Tutte risorse
Open-air court
Tutte risorse