Tutorial: Finding your way around the administration panel (6 / 6)

Tutorial Table of Contents

part 1: Reservations tab
part 2: Reservation details
part 3: User details
part 4: Schedule tab
part 5: Search and settings tabs
part 6: Subscription and reports tabs
Part 6 of 6: Subscription and reports tabs

Subscription tab

Fig 11. Subscription tab

In the subscription tab you can manage the payments for your Planyo site and buy additional SMS/fax packs if you wish to use SMS or fax notifications. Please note that there are two payment possibilities: either you use the subscribe button and have PayPal send monthly payments to Planyo, or you can send one-time payments and make sure your account doesn't go below zero. At the bottom of the page you see the detailed balance of your account and the amount owed or overpaid. Since the months with no reservations are always free in Planyo, it's possible that your account can have a positive balance. In such case the overpayment can be used for future months or for the purchase of SMS/fax packs.

Reports tab

Fig 12. Reports tab

The reports tab can be used to generate a number of Excel-importable reports based on the activity of your Planyo site.

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